'Thornless Beauty' rose References
Book (1965) Page(s) 454. Thornless Beauty HT. (Grillo, '38.) 'Better Times' sport. Bud long pointed, dark crimson-red; fl. large (4 in.), dbl. (50 petals), fragrant, light crimson-red; long, strong, thornless stem. Fol. leathery. Vig.; profuse bloom. PI. Pat. 382 (expired).
Book (1941) Page(s) 352. List of Roses Patented in the United States Since Publication of the 1940 Annual. Thornless Beauty HT. Issued to Nicholas Grillo, March 5, 1940. No. 367
Website/Catalog (1939) Page(s) [2]. Includes photo(s). The Story of "Thornless Beauty" The Rose Without a Thorn! Probably the most amazing development in the world of floriculture is "Thornless Beauty", the wonderful new rose that offers exceptional beauty, luxurious petalage and color and yet is the first recorded hybrid tea rose without a thorn! "Thornless Beauty" has proved excellent for indoor and outdoor culture and is, as its name indicates, a variety that lovers of fine roses have long desired. Illustration shows typical plant growing in the N. Grillo greenhouse six months after planting.
Thornless Beauty Sport of "Better Times" Registered with the American Rose Society; U. S. Patent Applied for For centuries it has been every floriculturalist's dream to grow a rose without a thorn. Now, with "Thornless Beauty", the age-old dream has come true for all lovers of beautiful roses. Color: Beautiful crimson red. Bud: Medium long pointed. When ready to open, slightly darker than the open flower. Opens gradually and perfectly. Flower: Medium large, full high centered; about four inches across when fully open. Petals number about fifty. Pleasing fragrance. Open freely and has very good lasting quality. Habit: Grows upright; vigorous, with abundant leathery foliage. Medium and long strong stems. After more than a year's trial, "Thornless beauty" has proved to be the most free-blooming rose the originator has ever grown.