'Red Hoover' rose References
Book (1958) Page(s) 320. Redd Hoover. HT. (Lens, '37.) Pres. Herbert Hoover sport. Brilliant red, center salmon-red.
Book (1938) Page(s) 222. ...says in summer it is a red Hoover, but in fall merely a deeper colored Hoover; thinks it a good rose in spite of its variability in color. Burt, Mass., has about the same experience and says it has a tendency to revert to Hoover.
Book (1938) Page(s) 238. Red Hoover. HT. (L. Lens, 1937.) Sport of President Herbert Hoover...
Book (1938) Page(s) 99. p98. S.R. Bird. Auckland Roses, NZ. President Hoover has sported to a much deeper colour than the beautiful Texas Centennial, and this will be watched with keen interest..
Book (1936) Page(s) 351. Hoover, Red (HT) Western Rose Co. 1933; red
Book (1933) Page(s) 182. Roses registered or applications received since publication of 1932 annual... Red Hoover, HT.; Western Rose Co., San Fernando, Calif.