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Kwinana at The Kodja Place, Kojonup, Western Australia, November 2019.
Uploaded 30 NOV 21 |
South Australia, zone 9b, summer; after a heatwave.
Uploaded 16 FEB 18 |
Kwinana at The Kodja Place, Kojonup, Western Australia, November 2019.
Uploaded 30 NOV 21 |
Rose photo courtesy of Leafy
Victoria State Rose Garden, Australia
November 2015
Uploaded 14 NOV 15 |
QLD State Rose Garden - Reithmuller collection. There are three of these rose plants grouped together - altogether stunning. Seems to be holding up well in summer heat. No sign of any diseases.
Uploaded 12 JAN 21 |
Rose photo courtesy of Leafy
Victoria State Rose Garden, Australia
14th November 2015
Uploaded 14 NOV 15 |
QLD State Rose Garden - Reithmuller collection. There are three of these rose plants grouped together - altogether stunning. Seems to be holding up well in summer heat. No sign of any diseases.
Uploaded 12 JAN 21 |
Nth Tasmania Jan 2015
Uploaded 3 JAN 15 |