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'HORcoherent' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 83-295
most recent 22 FEB 15 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 22 FEB 15 by Michael Garhart
Can Oso Easy Lemon Zest, aka CHEWhocan, please be added?

"Origin & Breeding History: 'Chewhocan' was bred and developed by Christopher Hugh Warner in Newport, Shropshire, United Kingdom. It originated from a controlled cross conducted in June 2000 between the variety 'Horcoherent' as the female parent and 'Chewpatel' as the male parent. 'Chewhocan' was selected in 2005 based on growth habit, disease resistance, glossy foliage, free flowering habit, number of flowers, abundant and attractive flowers, and flower colour. Asexual reproduction of 'Chewhocan' was first conducted by softwood cuttings in 2005 in Newport, Shropshire, United Kingdom."

Its related to HORcoherent, apparently.

**I think this Canadian Patent mispelled CHEWpatyel as CHEWpatel.
Reply #1 of 2 posted 22 FEB 15 by Patricia Routley
Thanks Michael. I’ve added that note about the breeding date because as the records stand, the baby CHEwhocan (2000) is older than its mother HORcoherent (2001)
Reply #2 of 2 posted 22 FEB 15 by Michael Garhart
Ah, good point. I looked into the patents. Oso Easy Peachy Cream was bred/selected in 1994/1995, and Oso Easy Lemon Zest was bred/selected in 2000/2005.
Discussion id : 79-990
most recent 18 AUG 14 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 18 AUG 14 by Rob Byrnes
In my NJ garden this one does get some leaf spots and a little defoliation starting mid season
Discussion id : 53-891
most recent 2 MAY 11 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 2 MAY 11 by Nancy McD
Hi! Just bought a plant of the adorable (but revoltingly named) Oso Easy Peachy Cream. The Proven Winners tag that came with it says that it's hardy in USDA Zones 3-9. Since your description has the default zones 6b-9b, I thought you'd like to know.

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