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'HORcoherent' rose References
Book  (2010)  Page(s) 135.  
Roses and Friends at Fitzroy Falls in the Southern Highlands of New South Wales are the agents in Australia for Horner's Roses.....They have stock plants of Foundation (HORcoherent).....
Book  (2010)  Page(s) 131.  
p131 Ysanne Horner. In Memory of Colin Horner (1933-2005) ....the same year as Colin bred 'Playmate' he produced another seedling, Horcoherent ('Baby Love' x 'Flower Carpet'). Like Cohabit, it is a descendent of davidii elongata and also like Cohabit it is an incredibly healthy rose. It has attracted attention across the world and Horcoherent was introduced into America as Oso Easy Peachy Cream. Horcoherent is also known as 'Nice & Easy' in the UK and 'Apricot Garland' in South Africa. It is ideal for small gardens as it grows into a bush from 1 to 3 feet in height and about 3 feet in spread depending on where in the world it is being grown. Horcoherent produces clusters of beautiful light apricot/peach coloured flowers throughout the summer. Ludwig in South Africa has grown it as a climber.
Article (magazine)  (2010)  Page(s) 1781.  
Peachy CreamTM(HORcoherent), under consideration for future Earth-Kind rose trials, Shrub, 2003, Colin Horner, Ploidy 3x ....
Magazine  (Sep 2008)  Page(s) 52.  
2009 New Rose Introductions.
Peachy Cream, shrub, ob, Horner, Colin, [Flower Carpet X Baby Love] .... description
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