'La Florida' rose References
Website/Catalog (2012) Page(s) 473. La Florida, La Florida, Eugenio Fojo, 1932, H.T., light salmon, very vigorous shrub, elegant bud, floriferous, healthy and glossy foliage, certificate of merit...1932, bibliography: RE
Book (1958) Page(s) 194. La Florida. HT. (La Florida, '32.) well-formed, salmon; strong stem. Fol. glossy. Very vig.; free bloom.
Book (1957) Page(s) 110. ...Fojo's own work is interesting. His first rose was created in 1932 and, how could it be otherwise, named La Florida. Of a clear salmon colour, it won a Diploma of Merit at Barcelona (Competition of Pedralbes).
Magazine (Dec 1932) Page(s) 100. Concours international de roses à Barcelone...Dans les jardins du Palais de Pédralbès eut lieu, le 5 novembre 1932.... Diplôme de Mérite à la rose La Florida, obtenteur : Eugène Fojo, de Asua (Viscaye). Arbuste très vigoureux, très florifère; bouton de forme très élégante, beau coloris saumon pâle, feuillage sain et brillant.