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'Gilda' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 36-134
most recent 7 MAY 09 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 6 MAY 09 by Jeff Britt
I guess there is some confusion about the correct names and identities of the Geschwind multiflora ramblers. Some of the photos of Gilda here look like Geschwinds Orden. Also, since these Gilda photos are of pink flowers, it seems that they may not be correctly identified. The description of Gilda states dark red flowers, not pink. I am not an expert on these multiflora ramblers, but there clearly is some confusion over correct identity.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 7 MAY 09 by Cass
Maybe. I believe that a number of his roses were closed related to one another and to Russelliana. Self-seedlings do sometimes bear a strong resemblance to the parent.
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