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'Syr' Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 38-832
most recent 25 AUG 09 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 24 AUG 09 by arvid jørgensen
I take pride in saying that this beautiful blood red shrub rose was bred in my country by Arne Lundstad, The only rosebreeder we have had in Norway. Unfortunately it is not a vigorous plant in my garden. It tends to be a bit lanky and "longlegged" Regular cutting back in spring is recommended to stimulate a more bushy growth. The plant is also a bit susceptible to blackspot. However, in a Norwegian garden there should also be a Norwegian bred rose, and as I have a special penchant for the blood red/dark red varieties, this was my choice. Arne Lundstad gave most of his roses names from Old Norse Mythology. So also this one. "Syr" was another name for "Frøya" (Freya), godess of love and fertility, the word "syr" actually meaning "piggy" (A she pig that is) The Norwegian Rose Society is currently working on resuscitating the interest for his roses. His most popular rose today is the shrub "Sekel" bred for the occasion of the centennial of The Norwegian Horticultural Society in 1984. I am also happy to note that Mr. Charles Quest-Ritson has found a place for Lundstad`s only climber "Sif" in his book "Climbing Roses of the World"
Reply #1 of 2 posted 25 AUG 09 by Robert Neil Rippetoe
That is a very beautiful color.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 25 AUG 09 by arvid jørgensen
thank you Robert! The colour is usually a bit darker though. I had another photo but it is unfortunately a bit unfocused So glad you are still checking out my photos. I have been looking over yours too, and there are so many beauiful ones. I hope you succeed in bringing them over here.
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