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'Syr' References
Book  (19 Apr 2000)  Page(s) 573.  
'Syr', S, dr, 1977; description; (Stadt Rosenheim X Sangerhausen); Lundstad, Arne; Agricultural University of Norway
Magazine  (1998)  Page(s) 109. Vol 92, Part 4..  
Dr. Alan S. Harris. Northern Lights and Nordic Roses.
'Syr' is a modern Norwegian Hybrid Tea rose, introduced by Arne Lundstad in 1977. Its parents are 'Stadt Rosenheim' and 'Sangerhausen'. Like the Kordes rose 'Sangerhausen' (1938) it has some hallmarks of the Hybrid Musk group, but the Hybrid Tea characteristics of its other parent dominate its appearance (1.5 x 1.2m). It is a good repeat-flowering, deep red rose and produces many flowers, up to 25, during the flowering season from May to October.
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