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'Mrs. B.R. Cant' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 119-083
most recent 12 NOV 19 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 12 NOV 19 by raingreen
Appears to remain healthy under 'waterless' (no water once-established) conditions east of Los Angeles, in good soil. This is only the first year of testing, however. The garden site has a Mediterranean climate and experiences several-months-long drought each summer. Upon the drought, plants defoliated completely to leave an attractive branch structure and do not appear to be susceptible to sunscald. There has been a bit of dieback at the very tips.

In the first winter after planting, MBRC had a full, springlike flush of bloom in January but balled in the rain, so didn't give all the color it could have. We'll see if things improve this winter, after the rains start. Plants contracted powdery mildew in late spring (perhaps mildew was exacerbated by the waterless conditions), affected areas defoliated then releafed. Plants then defoliated from drought some weeks later, in July.

The plant is being tested because of it's combination of desiccation tolerance, possibly being hardy to USDA hardiness zone 5; heat tolerance, as shown By Robert Rippetoe's and other's testimony from very hot climates; and ability to grow under cool winter conditions, a trait it shares with other Tea roses.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 12 NOV 19 by HubertG
All the photos that I've posted of 'Mrs B. R. Cant' come from the same bush that is essentially neglected. It doesn't get watered and certainly not given any fertiliser. There is competition from lawn too, so it is very tough. Sydney's climate isn't a Mediterranean one - we tend to get rainfall throughout the year with more though in the cooler months - but we can go for long stretches without summer rain. I can't say I've ever seen mildew on it, but then I don't see this bush that regularly to know for certain if it does occasionally get afflicted (because it isn't mine), It's safe to say though that it's very healthy overall and vigorous.
Discussion id : 116-401
most recent 26 AUG 19 SHOW ALL
Initial post 26 APR 19 by Jay-Jay
This year the first rose to flower in my garden. Got it (as own root) from Roseraie du Désert this spring. In my opinion it has a light, slightly bitter, almond/Tea scent.
Reply #1 of 10 posted 26 APR 19 by HubertG
I'm glad you got this rose to try, Jay-Jay. I hope it does well for you. I also detect a guava scent.
Reply #2 of 10 posted 27 APR 19 by Jay-Jay
Thank You Hubert. I hope it will survive our climate especially the winters. Alas, I'm not acquainted with guavas. They do not grow over here and never had the pleasure to taste or smell them.
The flower is really wonderful with the swirled flower-petals. Lasts on a vase too. Had to cut it, for hail-storms and lots of rain and wind were forecasted.
Reply #3 of 10 posted 15 AUG 19 by Jay-Jay
It is going to repeat flowering for the third time! Growing well, despite still potted. Wouldn't have survived our past hot and dry summer in the soil of my garden. It was originally too tiny.
Reply #4 of 10 posted 15 AUG 19 by HubertG
It would probably have loved the heat actually. It's rather vigorous and grows quickly. Glad you are getting enjoyment out of it.
Reply #5 of 10 posted 15 AUG 19 by Jay-Jay
I can imagine, that being a Tea, she might prefer such weather, but my actual topsoil is only 40-60 cm deep. Than 5 meter of compact boulder clay starts. And watering the garden was no option, because of drinking water shortage.

It's standing next to La Mortola in a pot too... and that one really is vigorous, so I'm a bit prejudiced. Ah yes, the Mrs. is growing okay, but flowering repeatedly, is what she's really after!
Reply #6 of 10 posted 20 AUG 19 by Jay-Jay
It's flowering again:
Reply #7 of 10 posted 21 AUG 19 by Hamanasu
Beautiful! It's the only own-root tea that grew very vigorously for me. I have had mine in a large pot for years and it's been doing very well and flowering profusely here in England (it shares the pot with New Zealand; New Zealand is rather dwarfed by Mrs B R Cant!). The scent is great, tea and passion fruit for me. I got it from La Roseraie too. Never a problem with our winters (though the worst we get is a bit of snow).
Reply #8 of 10 posted 21 AUG 19 by Jay-Jay
Normally, we get a bit more than that in winter Hamanasu. Thanks for the info and the heads-up!
Reply #9 of 10 posted 26 AUG 19 by HubertG
Jay-Jay, if you can get some pollen from 'Mrs B.R. Cant' you might like to try putting some on your 'Climbing Sutter's Gold'. ;-) You might end up getting a powerhouse repeat flowerer that stands the cold!
Reply #10 of 10 posted 26 AUG 19 by Jay-Jay
Thanks Hubert for the idea! And maybe pollen on Étoile de Hollande Cl. too next year...
Discussion id : 97-308
most recent 17 AUG 19 SHOW ALL
Initial post 6 FEB 17 by billy teabag
I don't seem to be able to upload references at the moment, so could someone who has access add this one to 'Mrs B.R. Cant' please?
It is from The Garden: An Illustrated Weekly Journal of Horticulture in All its Branches
13 October 1900, p278 and has an accompanying b&w photograph (added to HMF photos).
The text reads:

Mrs B.R. Cant

The accompanying illustration represents a new Tea Rose raised by Messrs. Benjamin Cant and Sons in their nursery at Colchester, and appropriately named after Mrs. B. R. Cant, widow of our friend 'Ben,' as we affectionately regarded him. As reported in The Garden of September 29, page 255, an award of merit of the Royal Horticultural Society was given unanimously to this Tea Rose, and we are not surprised at the decision. It is a Rose of remarkable vigour, so much so that in rows of Tea Roses its strong and abundant shoots are conspicuous, and the distinct pretty blue-green colour of the leaves is almost sufficient in itself to make the variety of some importance in the garden. In addition to this virtue, there is the crimson colouring of the new shoots and sweetly-scented flowers of deep rose, with broad and long petals, and every plant, until frost bids all blossoms depart, is loaded with buds and open flowers.
Reply #1 of 4 posted 6 FEB 17 by Patricia Routley
Thanks Billy. We will add it when we can. In the meantime, I have added the "blue-green" description of the foliage to the main page.
Reply #2 of 4 posted 15 AUG 19 by Jay-Jay
Can You upload this to the references now, Patricia?
Reply #3 of 4 posted 17 AUG 19 by Patricia Routley
Yes of course. Done. thank you Jay-Jay.
Reply #4 of 4 posted 17 AUG 19 by Jay-Jay
Thank You, Patricia!
Discussion id : 118-020
most recent 15 AUG 19 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 15 AUG 19 by Jay-Jay
Available from - La Roseraie du Désert
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