'R. macrophylla var. davidi' rose Photos
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Detail from Curtis's Botanical Magazine (1916) v. 142, Ser. 4 no. 12, tab 8679. Courtesy of botanicus.org and Missouri Botanical Garden.
Rosa davidi Crép.
Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belgique xiii. (1874) 253.
Si les styles sont normalement saillants, si leur exsertion n'est pas un accident dû à l'une ou l'autre cause, on peut ranger cette forme parmi les Synstylées.
If the styles are normally projecting, if their exsertion is not an accident due to one or another cause, one can arrange this form among the Synstylae.
Uploaded 26 APR 19 |
A photo from my garden, Poland.
1 favorite vote.
Uploaded 21 FEB 18 |
A photo from my garden, Poland.
1 favorite vote.
Uploaded 21 FEB 18 |
Mt Lofty botanical garden, South Australia. Zone 9b. Spring.
Uploaded 27 NOV 10 |
A photo from my garden, Poland.
1 favorite vote.
Uploaded 21 FEB 18 |
Southern Ca 2009
Uploaded 30 MAR 10 |
A photo from my garden, Poland.
Uploaded 21 FEB 18 |
National Rose Society (RNRS), the Rose Annual 1929, Scanned with permission
Uploaded 26 OCT 09 |
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