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"Ruth's Steeple Rose" References
Book  (2006)  Page(s) 32.  
"Ruth's Steeple Rose" Hybrid China. No rebloom. Outstanding fragrance. Tall, slender-caned. Unknown, found. ..Deep rose-madder flowers with folded petals in a formal array surrounding a tall green pointel, the "steeple." One of our favorites for bouquets as it is so unique, making a handsome foil for the green-eyed flowers of Mme. Hardy.
Book  (2000)  Page(s) 29.  Includes photo(s).
p28. Line drawing by Sagmiller. Ruth Knopf's Steeple rose (Hybrid china)

p29 Three roses embody the exceptional beauty of the Hybrid Chinas: "Ruth's Steeple Rose", "Ruth's German Rose" and this ["Mary Lawrance's Shell Rose"]. All have light slender canes, smallish formal flowers of many petals, and coloring that is out of the ordinary.

"Ruth's Steeple Rose" ....Provenance Ruth Knopf
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