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'JEPic' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 70-754
most recent 18 MAY 13 SHOW ALL
Initial post 31 MAR 13 by Robert D.
We love this rose, and though it has proved hard to find since we had one years ago, we keep trying to find one. Let us know if you see it or know where we can purchase it. We live in Concord CA. Thanks everyone!
Reply #1 of 6 posted 1 APR 13 by Nastarana
I love Saratoga also. Clean, dark green foliage, perfectly shaped blooms like small HTs AND fragrance.

This one seems to be staying in commerce. It is on the Vintage Gardens currently available list. It is also at Heirloom Roses and I think Rogue Valley Roses is also offering it. I think I saw it on the floribunda list at the RU website. RU does seem to have some rare white floribundas.
Reply #2 of 6 posted 1 APR 13 by Robert D.
Thanks very much. Will take a look at those sites later today! Take care!
Reply #3 of 6 posted 17 MAY 13 by Robert D.
Found it from Vintage Gardens, which is, unfortunately, closing at the end of next month. Sent a very healthy band size, and we'll plan to get it going this weekend. Just received it two days ago. So glad!
Reply #4 of 6 posted 18 MAY 13 by Nastarana
I got one from VG this week also. Nice, healthy plant. I think of my white floribundas and shrubs as going On Beyond Iceberg.
Reply #5 of 6 posted 18 MAY 13 by Robert D.
We know what you mean! There is nothing wrong with Iceberg, but there are so many more interesting white roses, and with better scents! Another that we have right now is Garden Party, which is going gangbusters right now. Wonderful growth, and we're looking forward to our second flush of roses. Must have about 10 big buds just waiting to burst. Also have a Pope John Paul II. He has lovely and quite a delicious scent. Took a bit more to acclimate after being replanted, but seems to be doing fine now. Many other roses of various colors and scents. We are just a tad obsessed with roses right now!
Reply #6 of 6 posted 18 MAY 13 by Nastarana
You might want to consider 'Ivory Truimph', a rose which is vigorous, in constant bloom, beautiful and disease free (no BS through most of the season) for me. It is as rare as it is worthy and will likely not be available once VG closes its doors. There are two well-known rose nurseries in Oregon, and neither seems very interested in conserving the roses of Gordon von Abrams, an Oregon rose breeder who was world famous in his day.
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