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'JEPic' rose References
Book  (19 Apr 2000)  Page(s) 526.  
'Saratoga' F, w, 1963; description; AARS, 1964; (White Bouquet X Princess White); Boerner; J&P
Book  (1968)  
p39.  Roy Rumsey.  The Best Roses of the Last Five Years.  
Saratoga ('White Bouquet' x 'Princess White') The shapely creamy-white blooms in good clusters open well. The growth is bushy and upright and the foliage bright and tough. Very prolific.

p61. Mrs. Heather Rumsey.  The Best Of The Floribundas.   
Whites or creams are dominated by 'Schneewittchen' ('Iceberg') and 'Saratoga'.  The former is the taller of the two and is a pure white.  'Saratoga' is more creamy and a better shaped flower. Indeed it is really a very beautifully shaped flower, and very good for floral work. I have seen the lovely blooms of Saratoga decorating a wedding cake, and they looked good enough to eat It also has lovely shiny foliage, and does very well for us.
Website/Catalog  (1966)  Page(s) 27.  Includes photo(s).
SARATOGA - (Jackson et Perkins) 1964 M.D. Var. JEPic 00393.
Fleurs blanc crème en boutons, devenant blanc pur après épanouissement. Une rose blanche idéale pour le jardin et la fleur coupée. H. 0,50/0,70 m.

[no longer listed in 1970]
Magazine  (May 1965)  Page(s) 2. trimester, p. 15.  
Liste des VARIETES NOUVELLES éditées en FRANCE et enregistrées par le Syndicat National des Producteurs de Nouveautés au 31 Décembre 1964....
Rosa Flo  JEPic 0393 F USA, 1964, Saratoga, Lieu et numéro d'enregistrement en France - , No d'enregistrement international - , Obtenteur Jackson & Perkins, Editeur Vilmorin [corrected from previous issue]
Magazine  (Feb 1965)  Page(s) 1. trimester, p. 15.  
Liste des VARIETES NOUVELLES éditées en FRANCE et enregistrées par le Syndicat National des Producteurs de Nouveautés au 31 Décembre 1964....
Rosa Flo  JEPic 0393 F USA, 1964, Saratoga, Lieu et numéro d'enregistrement en France - , No d'enregistrement international - , Obtenteur Jackson & Perkins, Editeur N.I.R.P. [corrected in next issue]
Book  (1965)  Page(s) 17.  
Roy and Heather Rumsey, NSW.  New Roses. 
Saratoga Floribunda. (E. S. Boerner) The best white Floribunda since 'Schneewittchen' ('Iceberg'), but this one is a low bushy grower. It has beautifully formed flowers of Hybrid Tea shape with 30-35 petals. Each flower would be about two inches across and the clusters adequately cover the plant with repeat flowering. An outstanding variety. ('White Bouquet' x 'Princess White').
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