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'Scentimental ™' rose Member Journal Entires
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20 FEB
Vigorous, grows well in my Jacksonville, FL (9b) garden. Does best with cooler weather, as it tends to sulk in the heat of summer. The booms also bleach, the white in the blooms turn pink, the booms get smaller, and blow (in one day go from bud to totally open and dropping petals) in one day when temps get above 85 degrees. Sentimental is also susceptible to black spot here and needs very rich, well drained soil with lots of water and afternoon shade to be at its best most of the year. I have an own root rose that's planted in an out of the way spot for cut flowers.
Own root, Feb 2013. sprawling.
15 JAN 13
I bought this bare-root at Christmas time 2012 at Lowes. Planted it after soaking overnight. Kind of bought it on a whim. We wil see how it does. After hearing some of the less than glowing reports about stinginess of bloom and short life of flowers, I hope I didn't make a mistake.
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