Magazine (2002) Page(s) 45. Vol 96, Part 2. Peter Harkness. Personal Favourites. I fell in love at first sight with CF Shrub 'Thisbe', a hybrid musk from Pemberton that is not very well known, yet seems easily the most fragrant of them. It beats many chamois yellow rosettes, producing at its peak a cloud of pale yellow, wafts of scent, and a general air of fluffy informality.
Book (Apr 1999) Page(s) 369. Thisbe Hybrid Musk. Pemberton 1918. Parentage: 'Marie-Jeanne' (Polyantha) x 'Perle des Jardins' (Tea). The author cites information from different sources... chamois-yellow rosettes in clusters...
Book (1999) Page(s) 594. Includes photo(s). 'Thisbe'. Modern, Modern Shrub. Light yellow. Repeat-flowering. This is one of the loveliest of the shrub roses. The flowers are borne close together in the cluster, so that in full bloom the effect is that of a fluffy cloud of chamois yellow. They open like rosettes with many small petals, showing amber stamens and imparting a light sweet fragrance. After a generous first flush of bloom more flowers are produced at intervals through summer and autumn, and in the garden this is a lovely shrub for a border, preferably by a path so that its unostentatious beauty can be enjoyed. The plant grows vigorously with a bushy upright habit to average height and is well furnished with semi-glossy, olive green leaves. Zones 4-9. Pemberton UK 1918. Sport of 'Daphne'.
Magazine (1999) Page(s) 17. No. 17. Peter Harkness: Pemberton raised some 27 Hybrid Musks, of which 21 are in commerce according to the CRL in 1998. My own favourite is ‘Thisbe’.
Magazine (1999) Page(s) No. 18. p25. Peter Harkness: Parentages where known. ‘Thisbe’. Said to be ‘Marie-Jeanne’ (Poly) x ‘Perle des Jardins' (Tea); or sport of ‘Daphne’?
p28. ibid. In 1992 I attended a fascinating lecture by Professor A. O. Tucker on fragrances, and musk was one of many samples we were given to smell. It surprised me by being faint and rather dry, tart rather than sweet, and with a lingering quality. I found none of the ‘piercing sweetness’ I had read about. My own nose finds the most enjoyable scent of any hybrid musk in ‘Thisbe’, and I fancy it is more due to Multiflora than Moschata.
Book (1996) Page(s) 82. 'Thisbe'. Cluster Flowered shrub. Dainty clusters of double chamois yellow rosettes, 1.75in. (4.5cm) across, appear in summer and autumn on strong 4 x 4 ft (1.2 x 1.2m) plants, with mid green leaves; pleasing scent. 'Daphne' sport. Pemberton, England, 1918. A modern shrub rose.
Magazine (1995) Page(s) 434. 'Thisbe' 1918. Rosette-type blooms of chamois yellow with golden stamens. Light green leaves, bushy to 1.2m (4ft)....
Book (1994) Page(s) 128. Includes photo(s).
Book (1988) Page(s) 91. Includes photo(s). 'Thisbe'. This Hybrid Musk was raised by Pemberton in 1918. It will grow up to 1.3m high, with a similar spread, bearing blooms on graceful arching sprays, and buds of a rich yellow. Strongly scented. Parentage: ‘Marie Jeanne’ x ‘Perle des Jardins’.
Book (1984) Page(s) 125. 'Thisbe' D'abord prétendu 'Marie Jeanne' x 'Perle des Jardins' ('Marie Jeanne' est un Polyantha, et 'Perle des Jardins' un rosier Thé: pas de trace de gènes de Rosa moschata!) mais plus vraisemblement un sport de 'Danaë'. Obtenu par Pemberton en 1918. Haut. et diam. 1,25 m - Fleurs: diam. 4 cm. Parmi les arômes de Rosa moschata, le sien est un des plus impressionants! Les boutons chamoisés donnet naissance à des fleurs en rosettes, semi-doubles, jaune chamois mais chamois ivoirin à la défloraison, les étamines dorées toujours bien ressorties. Le port du rosier est dressé et son feuillage vert clair.