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"Jesse Hildreth" rose Member Journal Entires
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4 OCT 15
*** Growing near Houston, TX: sub tropical zone 9a. Mild winters, hot, extremely humid summers that last half the year. ***

Rose Petals Nursery Oct 2015

2/9/2017- has graduated to a three gallon pot
6/20/2017- Was just about to plant it, but half of the plant started dying back. It will have to wait for a while yet to recover and grow big enough to defend itself from the doggies.
3/21/2018- not doing well at all. :(
4/1/2019- This one just does not want to grow.
5/2/2019- planted today near maggie
4/27/2020- Plant is healthy and seems to like it's new location. Size right now is only 1 x 1. I hope it starts to grow!

2/15/2021- I didn't cover for our Winter storm, and half of the plant has turned brown over night. It is currently 18 degrees right now, snowing, and temps may drop lower. I covered it this morning, but I'm upset that I didn't just do that yesterday. I even looked at it and wondered if I should. I hope it makes lives through this.

4/18/2021- One tiny cane coming back from the roots. I don't know if it will make it through our heat. Plant has just not been vigorous at all.

7/17/2021- I'm ready to call it. Dead from winter storm damage.
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