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'SPRolemango' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 170-807
most recent 21 FEB HIDE POSTS
Initial post 20 FEB by SoCal Coastal Rosarian
Recently I was informed that Star Roses is no longer marketing this wonderful rose. How disappointing! I thought EML was destined to be a major success. I guess the public’s interest in Hulthemia hybrids has a way to go. Sooner or later the day will come! In the meantime the folks who pass by our home in Dana Point will continue to be wowed by this rose.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 21 FEB by Michael Garhart
I did try to get one last year based on your comments, but as you are seeing, its very difficult. The only one I could find last year was online for over $100 from one of those specialty tree places.

From a consumer perspective, I think the persica types would sell better are large-flowered floribundas. Also from the same perspective, they need to stop using the eye names. There is a point where its kind of creepy. They need to be marketed with the weekend warrior in mind to catch on. Like, for example, if there was a newer, more modern floribunda variant of 'Eyes For You' named something like 'Beauty Mark' or some such thing, or another beautiful name that doesn't even hint at the persica eye, I think it would be more readily received by the public. There are TONS of annuals, perennials, shrubs and bulbs with similar eye zone genetics, and almost all of them do not even point out the eye. It just exists as is. Very few exceptions, like Hibiscus 'Red Heart' gives a slight hint of that, but examples like that are one off.
Discussion id : 146-184
most recent 20 JUN 23 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 20 JUN 23 by Orianne Courmes
Available from - Fast Growing Trees
Discussion id : 146-183
most recent 20 JUN 23 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 20 JUN 23 by Orianne Courmes
Available from - Brighter Blooms
Discussion id : 146-182
most recent 20 JUN 23 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 20 JUN 23 by Orianne Courmes
Available from - Star roses and plants
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