'SPRolemango' rose References
Website/Catalog (12 Aug 2018) Includes photo(s). 2018 New Rose Introductions. 9. Eyeconic® Mango Lemonade ‘Sprolemango’ PPAF. Class/Color: Floribunda/Apricot orange suffused with pink and strong non-fading red blotch at center • Bloom/Size: Medium petals • Height/Habit: Bushy, compact, rounded, 2 ½’ w x 3’ h • Petal Count: 15–18 • Fragrance: Very slight Parentage: unnamed seedling x unnamed seedling • Hybridizer: James Sproul • Introducer: Star® Roses and Plants • Comments: The newest color addition to the Eyeconic® series. Compact rounded habit, great color and contrast with good disease resistance for the type. It holds flowers much better than other hybrid hulthemias and performs well on its own roots.