H. Cannell & Sons Floral Guide
(1888) Page(s) 228. Re-introduction of An Old and Useful Rose. Rosa lucida, "Lady Leighton"—A very pretty and useful variety, producing an innumerable quantity of flowers of a pleasing shade of rosy pink. 1s.
(1908) Page(s) 60. Hybrid Tea-scented Roses. Madame Abel Chatenay... vigorous, carmine rose, shaded deep salmon, long pointed buds, a good decorative variety.
(1909) Page(s) 102. New Roses. Mathilde Liegeard (Tea). Delicate rose, carmine at the edge of the petals; long pointed buds; large full flowers.
(1908) Page(s) 60. Hybrid Tea-scented Roses. Papa Gontier... moderately vigorous, rosy crimson, long buds, attractive colour, free flowering, specially good in autumn; should not be hard pruned.
(1908) Page(s) 60. Hybrid Tea-scented Roses. Pharisaer... vigorous, rosy white, centre deep salmon-rose, fine long buds opening well to very large flowers.
(1908) Page(s) 61. Hybrid Tea-scented Roses. Reine Marguerite d'Italie... vigorous, glossy red carmine, centre lightened with red vermilion, fair size and regular.
(1908) Page(s) 61. Hybrid Tea-scented Roses. Rev. D. R. Williamson... vigorous, dark velvety crimson, shaded maroon; large flower of good substance.
(1908) Page(s) 61. Hybrid Tea-scented Roses. Richmond... vigorous, useful for forcing, clear reddish scarlet; very free and good.
(1908) Page(s) 61. Hybrid Tea-scented Roses. Robert Scott... robust, clear rosy pink, shaded to flesh, very large.
(1908) Page(s) 61. Hybrid Tea-scented Roses. Rosalind Orr English... vigorous, bright rose pink, reddish centre, very free.