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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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most recent 8 MAR 11 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 7 MAR 11 by Gonçalo
Hi Roaress, nice picture!
Do you mind me asking?
Does this rose Look Good...Feel Better, shows a good disease resistance in Norway?
I just bought one, I live in Portugal by the sea, my warm and humid climate makes the roses much more prone to rust and black spot.

thanks in advance!

Reply #1 of 2 posted 8 MAR 11 by roaress
So far this rose has no sign of any diseases.
Lovely rose!

Yours sincerly
Reply #2 of 2 posted 8 MAR 11 by Gonçalo
Those are great News for my non spray rose garden!

Thank you!

Best regards, Goncalo.
PhotoDiscussion id : 39-545
most recent 3 OCT 09 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 3 OCT 09 by Margaret Furness
This looks very like Madame Berard; the descriptions of the two roses are quite similar, so it's hard to know which is which. It makes the point about how difficult it is to identify teas (or other roses) from descriptions alone. Madame Bernard isn't listed for any other garden. Was the rose you photographed a climber? Did it have prickles?
Reply #1 of 3 posted 3 OCT 09 by roaress
I`m not 100% sure this is the right name for this rose, but the descriptions seems to fit.
The other rose you prefering to I believe are `Mme Falcot`? I believe`Mme Falcot` have more yellow blends?
My variety has no thorns and I bought it for beeing a climber, in a public garden called `Sofiero` in Sweden a few years ago.
Reply #2 of 3 posted 3 OCT 09 by Margaret Furness
Thank you. if your rose is a climber, and if I'm reading the references correctly, it would be more likely to be Mme Berard than Mme Bernard. Whichever it is, your photo shows you have a lovely rose.
Reply #3 of 3 posted 3 OCT 09 by roaress
Thank you for your interrest and and devide your knowledge of teas with me.
I`ve taking the photo of HMF. Incorrect photos only make confusion.
Regarding to your lastname: You most have a relationship to Norway/Scandinavia?
most recent 26 AUG 08 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 26 AUG 08 by roaress
New Century repeat very well,earlier,in spring when the sun is strong,the outher petals is almost white.
When this photo was taken,in august,the rose is pink blend.
most recent 5 AUG 08 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 5 AUG 08 by roaress
I believe this rose only exist in Tomb Rosegarden, if any interrest in this rose please contact me. I may help.
Best regards
Roar Syversen

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