'Golden State' rose References
Book (2000) Page(s) 196. 'Golden State', HT, dy, 1937; description; (Souv. de Claudius Pernet X (Charles P. Kilham X unnamed seedling)); Meilland, F.; C-P, 1938.
Book (1999) Page(s) 280. Golden State, Meilland 1937, [Souvenir de Claudius Pernet X (Charles P Kilham X seedling)] After more than 60 years this variety is still available in California, the ' Golden State 'after which it was named, and also in Western Australia. The flowers are not as golden as the title of the rose suggests; they open light lemon yellow with a tawny cast, deepening in color as they open. The flowers are carried on firm upright stems, sometimes several together, sometimes singly. They open from urn-shaped young flowers into cupped blooms full of ruffled petals, and have a sharp fruity scent. Blooming continues through summer and autumn and in a collection of pre-war Large-flowered Roses this variety can still hold its own for vigor. It has dark green leaves that are large, leathery and generally healthy. Zones 5 -9
Book (Sep 1993) Page(s) 202. Includes photo(s). Golden State Large-flowered. One of Francis Meilland's early successes, 'Golden State' won the 1937 gold medal in Portland, where it was photographed fifty-three years later. It seems to have changed colour during this time, for it is definitely not deep yellow, as it was described in its youth. It is now almost cream, opening from pink-tinted buds. The foliage is still healthy, a glossy dark green, and the flowers are large and cupped.. The 'Golden State' is California; Meilland named this rose with an eye to the American market. Do not confuse this rose with a later rose of the same name. 'Souvenir de Claudius Pernet' x ('Charles P. Kilham' seedling). Repeat flowering.
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 218. Golden State Hybrid Tea, golden yellow, 1937, 'Souv. de Claudius Pernet' x ('Charles P. Kilham' x Seedling); Meilland, F. Description.
Book (1985) Page(s) 126. Golden State was Francis Meilland's first successful variety [it] was introduced in America by the Conard-Pyle Company in 1937... [the name] tied the yellow rose to the International Exhibition in San Francisco...
Book (Apr 1984) Page(s) 147. Golden State Hybrid Tea. Meilland 1937... golden yellow
Website/Catalog (1960) Page(s) 15. GOLDEN STATE (Meilland 1937). Jaune doré veiné légèrement de carmin.
[no longer listed in 1975]
Book (1958) Page(s) 140. Golden State. HT. (F. Meilland; int. C.P, '38.) Souv. de Claudius Pernet X (Charles P. Kilham X unnamed seedling). Large, dbl., cupped, buff-yellow, center orange; long stem. Fol. leathery, glossy. Very vig. (28) Pl. Pat. 303 (expired). Bagatelle Gold Medal, '37; Portland Gold Medal, '37.
Website/Catalog (1948) Page(s) 16. Includes photo(s). Golden State [photo repeated in 1949]
Website/Catalog (1946) Page(s) 18. GOLDEN STATE (Meilland 1937). Fleur jaune doré veiné légèrement de carmin, très belle forme en coupe.