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'Mrs. Frank Guthrie' rose References
Book  (5 Apr 2010)  
'Mrs Frank Guthrie'. HT, lp, 1923, Clark, A.; flowers deep flesh in autumn, pale in summer, semi-dbl., moderate fragrance; foliage dark, leathery. [(R. gigantea × unknown) × unknown]. Introductions: Hazelwood Bros.
Book  (2010)  Page(s) 45.  Includes photo(s).
‘Mrs. Frank Guthrie’ Parentage: Rosa Gigantea x unknown seedling,
Mrs. Frank Guthrie was born Mary Isobel Wright, the daughter of……
p46 Photo ‘Mrs. Frank Guthrie’.

[note – no provenance of this photographed creamy white rose is given. It appears similar to 'Parks' Yellow Tea-scented China' (in commerce as)]
Book  (2007)  
p46. Australian bred R. gigantea Hybrids. A review as at October 2006 by Laurie Newman (Australian registrar). The findings below are based on research of some of the writings of Alister Clark between 1924 and 1942. There are anomalies contained in the papers, but on balance I believe the list to be conclusive.
Firstly, there are the three listed in American Rose (Sept, 2006, page 9, namely,
Courier (MR11 LCl.) and.....

p47. Add. Other R. gigantea seedling seedlings. Mrs. Frank Guthrie (MR11 HT) and....
These last two should be shown with parentage as R. gigantea seedling x Unknown.
Book  (1999)  Page(s) 10.  
Mrs. Frank Guthrie – 1923. Large flowered Bush rose, semi-double. deep flesh pink flowers. No longer available.
Magazine  (1997)  Page(s) 28. Vol 19, No. 1.  
Elizabeth and Andrew Govanstone, Portland, Victoria “The Women Behind the Roses” ….Friends from Alister and Edie’s generation [who had roses named after them were] include …. Mrs. Frank Guthrie (1923) and her daughter, Mary (Mary Guthrie, 1929)
Newsletter  (1994)  Page(s) 15. Vol 3, No. 4.  
Mrs. Frank Guthrie. H. Gig. 1923 Alister Clark., R. gig. sdlg. x sdlg.
Book  (1990)  Page(s) 121.  
Mrs. Frank Guthrie. Light p. 1923. Sc. Everbl. Gigantea x
Magazine  (1979)  Page(s) 6. vOL 1, nO. 3.  
Mrs. Frank Guthrie – 1923. HT. semi-double, fragrant, deep flesh in Autumn paler in summer. Foliage dark and leathery. R. gigantea x ? seedling.
Book  (1938)  Page(s) 25.  
Alister Clark. A. Walk About ‘Glenara’. The latest crossings, showing Gigantea blood, are great lasters in water, and one, which I may call Geelong, as it is a seedling from Mrs. Frank Guthrie, did not wither, but dropped its petals cleanly after some days in water.
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 325.  
Guthrie, Mrs. Frank (hybrid gigantea) A. Clark 1923; R. gigantea X ? ; flesh-pink, darker in autumn, medium size, semi-double, cup form, lasting, fragrance 3/10, floriferous, continuous bloom, growth 6/10, upright, bushy.
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