'Leverkusen' rose Reviews & Comments
Very fertile as a seed parent producing large hips. These hips take forever to ripen. Today's date is 7th. April (2013) and pollinations done back in November, 2012, are still ripening. It has accepted pollen from Flower Carpet ® 'Amber', Flower Carpet ® 'Pink', and 'Eyes for You'. Its pollen has also worked well on 'Lilac Charm'. This, and 'Jersey Beauty', are the only two roses that have remained completely free of disease here in Tasmania, Australia, this season. It has been a year of heavy disease pressure and low rainfall which caused normally healthy plants to drop their leaves due to water and heat stress. 'Leverkusen' was unaffected and has flowered well all year. Very impressed with it so far.
Dear Mr. Voorwinde, did you get any seedling with eyes for you? It would be so valuble to let the Hulthemias climb! Yours, Michael Bluth
Initial post
25 FEB 04 by
I have one of these Leverkusen roses, but I have not been altogther satisfied. Its growing form is almost entirely that of a rambler, which is great if you want a rambler but not so good if you want it to climb. It is a very vigorous rose, and fairly hardy in central Iowa where I live, but its flowers are nothing special, especially given the large amount of green stems and branches.