'Leverkusen' rose References
Book (Aug 2002) Page(s) 54. Leverkusen Hybrid Kordesii 1954 Rated 6.4
Book (1997) Page(s) 210. Includes photo(s). Leverkusen Kordesii. Kordes 1954. Description... Semi-double, lemon-yellow flowers which, when open, have attractively ragged edges...
Book (Nov 1994) Page(s) 253. Leverkusen Kordes (Germany) 1954. Description. Rosa kordesii x 'Golden Glow'... light yellow blooms, large and double...
Book (Sep 1993) Page(s) 251. Includes photo(s). Leverkusen Cluster-flowered Climber. Wilhelm Kordes 1954. PArentage: Rosa kordesii x 'Goldn Glow'. Description... pale yellow, especially fine in cool climates... named for a small town near Cologne...
Book (Jul 1993) Page(s) 94. Leverkusen Description... quite large, double rosette-shaped flowers of rather Old Rose appearance and of a creamy-yellow colouring, deepening towards the centre...
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 312. Leverkusen Kordesii (Shrub), light yellow, 1954, R. kordesii x 'Golden Glow'; Kordes. Description.
Book (Feb 1993) Page(s) 161. Includes photo(s). Leverkusen Cluster-fowered climber. Parentage: R. kordesii x 'Golden Glow'. Germany 1954. Description and cultivation... almost double, light yellow in colour, with attractive ragged edges when open...
Book (1993) Page(s) 150. Includes photo(s). A Kordesii Rose that can be grown as a climber or a shrub. Very hardy. Kordes (Germany) 1954. (Rosa kordesii x 'Golden Glow') Flowers continuously. Height: 200 cm (7 ft.). Sweetly scented.
Book (1991) Page(s) 74. Includes photo(s). R. kordesii x 'Golden Glow'. Description... The foliage of this plant is always glossy and and free of blackspot and mildew. The bush is rampantly vigorous, making it a candidate for a climber, at least in Zone 5... Lemon-chiffon buds opening to a creamy, pale yellow create a warm glow to this rose that is enhanced by its informal, semi-double form and delicate scent...
Booklet (1990) Page(s) 19. Includes photo(s). Kletterrose Leverkusen