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'JACsegra' rose References
Magazine  (2019)  Page(s) 16.  Includes photo(s).
Doug Grant, Review of Newer Roses for the 2017-2018 Season.  Hybrid Teas.
Pope John Paul II​​​​​​​ Jacsegra.....
Magazine  (2019)  Page(s) 54.  Includes photo(s).

Doug Grant, Final Analysis for 2017-2018.
Pope John Paul II. Variety Denomination: Jacsegra. Breeder Zary 2006. Type Hybrid Tea. Parentage: Secret x Fragrant Lace. Plants 50. Reports 21. Height Medium. Garden 6.0. Exhibition 5.7. Health 6.5 (good). Fragrance 7.6 (heavy).  A pure white hybrid tea with blooms that have a huge fragrance. It is an average garden rose with good health. However, the variety does not perform well in wet or rainy conditions as blooms will ball and plants will have some black spot. Exhibitors will find the petals have no substance and are too soft.

Magazine  (2018)  Page(s) 18.  Includes photo(s).
Doug Grant,  Review of Newer Roses For The 2016-2017 Season. Hybrid Teas.
Pope John Paul II Jacsegra.....
Book  (2016)  Page(s) 33.  

John Ford, Trial Ground Review - Trial 45.
Other roses of note.  Pope John Paul II. Zary. HT. Trial No.4894. A fragrance to die for, this shapely white HT will appeal to many. The bush has a neat habit and not too vigorous. However if you are to grow it have it sheltered from the rain, petal texture is soft and blooms often balled in the wet. Foliage is a bit drab too.
p36.  Score 67.4.

Magazine  (2016)  Page(s) 19.  Includes photo(s).
Doug Grant,  Review of Newer Roses For The 2015-2016 Season. Hybrid Teas.
​​​​​​​Pope John Paul II​​​​​​​.....
Website/Catalog  (19 Feb 2015)

the Great White i am the greatest [140mm spring]. 1 spring growing rose in 140mm pot delivered to NSW, Vic, Qld addresses. JACsegra HT. Colour : purest even white. Fragrance : strong citrus peel
Foliage : dark green and glossy. Height : 155cm upright and vigorous. Disease Resistance : very good
Petal Count : 45-50. Flower size : 120mm. Breeder : Zary. Awards : 2010 National Rose Trial Award results. Marion de Boehme Memorial Trophy, Gold Medal and Australian Rose of the Year 2010. Governor of Gifu Award (Japan) Most Fragrant rose in trial. Hamilton Gardens (NZ) Perpetual Award best hybrid tea rose in trial. Passed Swane's arduous evaluation trials 2009
Magazine  (2015)  Page(s) 19.  Includes photo(s).

Doug Grant,  Review of Newer Roses For The 2014-2015 Season. 
Pope John Paul II Breeders code: Jacsegra. Breeder: Zary 2006.  Parentage: Secret x Fragrant Lace. Garden: 5.8 Exhibition: 5.0 Health: 6.2 Fragrance: 7.2 Height: Medium. Availability: MAT. Northland: No health problems, good exhibition form. Waikato: Petals very fragile but lovely form. Matamata: Nice bloom but doesn't take the weather, petals too soft. Manawatu: Beautiful fragrance but petals very soft. South Canterbury: Wonderful fragrance on a healthy bush, a must for a fragrant rose. Otago: Has potential.

Magazine  (2014)  Page(s) 19.  Includes photo(s).
Doug Grant. Review of Newer Roses for the 2013-2014 Season. Hybrid Teas.
Pope John Paul II.....
Magazine  (2013)  Page(s) 23.  Includes photo(s).
Matthews Roses Ltd. Advertisement.
New. Exclusive. Pope John Paul II (HT).
Website/Catalog  (2010)  Includes photo(s).
Bed No.10
Award: Gold Medal
Trophies: (a) “Marion de Boehme Award” for Best Rose of Trial 2010 (b) “The Hamilton Gardens New Zealand Perpetual Award” for Best Hybrid Tea Rose of Trial (c) “The Governor of Gifu Award” (Japan) for the Most Fragrant Rose of Trial
Code: JACsegra
Name: Pope John Paul II
Category: Hybrid Tea
Fragrance: High
Colour: Large luminous pure white flowers
Foliage: Dark green
Breeder: Dr. Keith Zary (Jackson and Perkins USA)
Exhibitor: Swane’s Nurseries Aust. NSW
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