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'JACsegra' rose Member Journal Entires
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14 days ago
Fantastic, even in zone 9b, but thinly clothed here in Jacksonville, FL.
25 MAY
purchased from fraser valley rose farm pick up by Trishia
16 JUL 12
*** Growing near Houston, TX: sub tropical zone 9a. Mild winters, hot, extremely humid summers that last half the year. ***

Purchased at Houston Garden Centers September 2010.

Vase shaped and bushy. Vigorous. Blooms almost continuously with a strong lemon fragrance. Heat tolerant. NOT shade tolerant. Can blackspot. My favorite white. I have 3.

4/18/2019- After letting my plants get leggy and floppy last year (I had only pruned down to 3 feet), I pruned them down pretty short this February, to about 6 inches. They are in show stopper condition right now. Thrips are getting around, but PJPII is withstanding that pretty well so far.

4/2/2021- Getting ready to bloom again. I cut them back to about 6 inches every year now, and this rose seems to enjoy that.
8 APR 12
Introduit en France : PAPE JEAN-PAUL II
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