Most David Austin roses don't prefer my climate and perform poorly for me in my Jacksonville, FL (9b) garden. This rose is an exception! It still prefers cooler summers and he is also susceptible to black spot here but he really blooms his head off all year long! He does need very rich, well drained soil with lots of water to be at its best most of the year. He also requires as much sun as you can give him - he doesn't tolerate much shade at all. I have an own root rose that's planted at the front corner of my house. Below average thorns! I will always have this rose in my garden despite the extra care he takes because its just always in bloom AND is highly scented!
AD is now my favorite DA rose! His first bloom opened for me today in my garden. He is beautiful and smells amazing. I'm in love! He is a must-have rose if you're an avid DA collector.