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20 NOV
VERY SMALL OWN-ROOT Austin Roses (dimensions given for those grown in my zone 5 garden): St.Cecilia (ultra wimpy at 1.5' x 1' always chlorotic), A. Shopshire Lad (1' x 1.5') died after 1st zone 5 winter, Jude the Obscure (1.5' x 1.5') died 3 times, Noble Antony (1.5' x 1'), W.S. 2000 (1.5' x 2) as 12th-year-own root, the Prince, Lillian Austin (1.5 x 2'), Jubileee celebration, Lady Emma Hamilton, Sharifa Asma (mine was only 1' x 1' even as 10th-year-own root), Pretty Jessica, Boscobel (1' x 1') and both gallon-size own-roots died in its 1st zone 5 winter, Leander (2' x 1') and died twice in my zone 5 as own-root, Wise Portia is 1.5' x 1.5', William Morris (1/2 size of Munstead Wood as 1st-year-own-root, this hated my heavy clay but does well for Pakistan Rosarians in sandy & hot climate).

TINY AUSTINS even as grafted: Young Lycidas (1.5' x 1') and died in its 1st winter, Eustacia Vye (1.5' x 1') and survived my zone 5 winter.

Also compact OWN-ROOTS: Carding Mill is less than 2 feet across even as 11th-year own root, Christopher Marlowe (1.5' x 2'), Pat Austin (2' x 2'), The Squire (1.5' x 1' wide), The Dark Lady (2' x 2'), Tess of d'Ubervilles (3' x 2'), Mary Magdalene (2' x 2') as 12th-year-own-root, Abraham Darby (2.5' x 2'), Teasing Georgia (3' x 2') but died in poor drainage clay, Wenlock (2.5' x 1.5') and died in spring flood, Sweet Juliet (2.5' x 2.5'), Royal Jubilee (2' x 2'), Darcy Bussell (bloomed more than grow & needed fast drainage & died in spring flood).

Medium-sized OWN-ROOTS: Evelyn (3' x 2.5') as 12th year own root, Munstead Wood (1.5' x 2.5'), Charles Darwin (2' x 2'), Golden Celebration (3' x 3').

MONSTERS OWN-ROOTS: L.D. Braithwaite (6' x 4') as 2nd-year-own-root, James Galway (15' x 2.5'), Radio times (4' x 6'), Lady of Shalott (5' x 4'), Crown Princess Margareta (7' tall x 6' wide), Princess Anne (5' x 3'), Scepter's Isle (5' x 3') in 2nd year so I gave it away (scent smelled like dirty socks and myrrh).
Barbara Streisand has glossy foliage and refused to bloom in full-sun & best in partial shade. Glossy foliage also prefer alkaline minerals, and wilt if too acidic or too dry.

Keep track of GLOSSY & SHINY leaves on OWN-ROOT roses that like wet alkaline minerals & does well in partial shade. These are healthy & bloom well in my heavy alkaline clay (pH 7.7): Bolero, Pat Austin, Christopher Marlowe, Poseidon (low-thorn), Kordes Coral Flowercarpet (low-thorn), Barbra Streissand (low-thorn), Savannah, James Galway (low-thorn), Sweet Promise 2007 (low-thorn), Sheila's perfume, Tchaikosky, Evelyn, Betty White, Orchid Romance, Polka, Twilight zone (low-thorn), Neil Diamond, and Anna's promise.

These need constant water as own-roots: Barbra Streissand, Poseidon, Kordes Coral-flowercarpet Twilight Zone, James Galway.

Austin roses that have glossy foliage: Boscobel, Jubilee Celebration, James Galway, Princess Ann, The Poet's wife, Pat Austin.

Folks report these to have glossy foliage: Francis Meilland, Julia Child, Westerland, Living Easy, Sunsprite, Apricot Vigorosa, Cinderella Fairytale, Lasting Love, Hot Cocoa, Purple Passion, Irish Hope, Elle, Chicago Peace, Moonstone, Parade Day, Rouge Royal and Trumpeter.

From HMF, these roses have shiny & glossy foliage: Above All, Apricot Candy, Trumpeter, Elle, Moonstone.
First Crush, Honey Nectar, Della Reese, Paradise, Della reese, Chartreuse de Parme, Rugelda, Royal sunset, Silver Cloud, Love Potion, Princess de Monaco, Pumpkin Patch, Apple Blossom, Cinco de Mayo, Betty Boop, Souvenir de Marcel Proust, Sweet Arlene, Sundance, Amber Queen, Spice so Nice, Tahitian Sunset, Day breaker, Apricot nectar, Hot cocoa, Whiskey Mac.

I use the advanced search feature in HMF for "glossy leaves", and here's the list of Austin roses with glossy leaves: Pat Austin (loves my heavy & wet alkaline clay), Vanessa Bell (does well for a friend nearby), Wisley, The Wedgewood rose, Desdemona, Princess Ann (does well in my poor drainage clay), A. Shopshire Lad (wimpy as own-root), Heathcliff, The Ancient Mariner, Dame Judi Dench, Silas Marner (does well for a friend nearby), Tam O's Shanter, Olivia Austin rose (does well for a friend nearby), Abraham Darby (does well in my clay if good drainage), Boscobel, and The Generous Gardener (best performer for my clay-friend).

Nearby rose park has alkaline clay, and glossy leaves Apricot Candy blooms non-stop for them.
20 SEP 22
Here's my observation after chatting with friends in different soils and climates, also from my alkaline clay garden with 160+ own root varieties for the past decades:

For dense clay soil: choose LARGER leaves (can handle compact soil with thicker roots).

For loose & sandy soil: choose SMALLER LEAVES. I made my mistake of buying tiny-leaves own-roots like Teasing Georgia and Felicia and it could not handle waterlogged clay soil, died/declined before zone 5a winter.

For alkaline soil or water: choose dark-green leaves, or roses grated on Dr.Huey.
For loamy or sandy soil: choose light-green leaves like Charles Darwin & Jude the Obscure, or tiny leaves (hybrid musk). I had to fix tiny-leaves Lady of Shalott with a bag of coarse sand before it bloomed (its own-root refused to bloom in my dense & wet clay).

For rich & dense soil high in organic matter like potting soil or black-gumbo clay: choose large leaves like Princess Charlene de Monaco, it takes more nitrogen to form the large leaves and organic matter retains more nutrients.

For poor soil: choose smaller leaves and less petals roses.
For ALKALINE & poor drainage & wet clay (high in magnesium): choose glossy foliage like Sheila's perfume, Betty White, and Pat Austin.

For drought tolerant: Centifolia & Bourbon, roses with Rugosa heritage, or extremely dense thistles & prickly roses.
For high-rain/acidic soil: choose multiflora-parentage, or LOW-THORN roses such as Sweet Mademoiselle & Poseidon (biggest tain-hogs). Choose roses with 7-leaflets which can handle waterlogged soil better than modern roses with 5-leaflets.
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