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'Annie Laurie McDowell' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 134-559
most recent 24 SEP 22 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 24 SEP 22
* Posted by unregistered site guest: Pending HMF administrative review. *
Discussion id : 124-169
most recent 4 DEC 20 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 4 DEC 20 by BrianH
Available from -
Discussion id : 99-977
most recent 24 MAY 17 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 24 MAY 17 by StrawChicago heavy clay zone 5
Annie L. McDowell died in my zone 5a garden after 3 years, thanks to a dry-winter with no snow. This rose needs LOAMY soil high in potassium to prevent balling, and roots die easily if the soil dries out. Annie died instantly on my sister in southern CA, due to her alkaline tap-water. This rose prefers slightly acidic, and blooms best when there's tons of acidic rain. I planted my Annie 4 inches below ground, in full-sun, but it still died due its shallow root in dry winter & spring.
Discussion id : 90-291
most recent 12 JAN 16 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 12 JAN 16 by jasminerose
Available from - burlington rose nursery
Reply #1 of 1 posted 12 JAN 16 by HMF Admin