'Annie Laurie McDowell' rose Photos
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My garden, Rancho Mirage, CA June 19, 2024
Blooming nicely in very warm weather!
1 favorite vote.
Uploaded 23 JUN |
Annie makes good cut blooms, lasting 4 days in the vase. One cluster can perfume the entire room with its wonderful lilac and musk scent. The scent is calming like sniffing lavender essence before bedtime. Annie is my top 10 favorite scents among 150+ fragrant own root roses.
Uploaded 20 SEP 22 |
My Garden, Rancho mirage, CA 5-2-24
1 favorite vote.
Uploaded 2 MAY |
OWN-ROOT Annie L. M. survives 3 winters OUTSIDE in my zone 5a. It got eaten down to the crown by rabbits in July, so I put in a pot, and it quickly grow. As 4th-year own root it's small & compact for a pot, only 1' x 1' after winter-killed to less than 3" in May. My winter is harsh at -20 F below zero, but Annie survived outside for 3 winters in my rock-hard clay.
Uploaded 20 SEP 22 |
My Garden, Rancho Mirage, CA 2-15-24
Incredibly fragrant, note stamens
Uploaded 17 FEB 24 |
" . . . Isn't she lovely . . ."
1 favorite vote.
Uploaded 23 MAR 22 |
My Garden, Rancho Mirage, CA zone 9b 5-27-23
Kim sent me some budwood. I'm glad to have this lovely thing again!
Uploaded 27 MAY 23 |
So fragrant! October 13, zone 6b
1 favorite vote.
Uploaded 7 NOV 21 |
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