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'Annie Laurie McDowell' rose Member Journal Entires
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25 APR 15
*** Growing near Houston, TX: sub tropical zone 9a. Mild winters, hot, extremely humid summers that last half the year. No spray garden. ***

Purchased from Long Ago Roses Spring 2014.

7/15/2015- has not grown
3/8/2016- Still hadn't grown at all, so early February I dug it up and put it back in a pot.
4/27/2016- And now it's gone crazy! It's blooming up a storm and throwing long canes. Geez. Maybe it will do okay in the ground now, though in a new spot.
12/9/2017- I ended up putting this one in a giant pot on my front porch It seems very happy.
4/18/2021- still in a giant pot. seems very happy
Note: no issues with blackspot.
27 JUL 14
Annie (directly imported), and budded on standard-rose rootstock behaves extremely well. Even potted and in her first year she produces long canes up to 80 cm. Those arch graciously and form a weeping standard.
That way she even behaves better than some budded specimens on Rosa canina rootstock; 3 years old and planted in the garden. Those stay under 60 cm despite taking all the flowerbuds away(as recommended).
30 OCT 12
This may be the one.
7 JUL 12
Today, I became some budwood of this rose from member Rosana, to bud and compare with other specimens of Annie (that showed unknown characteristics). Also to make a new-one for Member Freiburgbalkon. Her plant froze to death last winter.
Alas, all the buds didn't work. They didn't come loose from the budwood.