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Photos photo courtesy of Margaret Furness
Heritage Roses in Australia Collection, Ruston's Roses, South Australia, zone 9b. In a cold wet spring.
1 favorite vote.  
Photos photo courtesy of Margaret Furness
Ruston's Roses, South Australia. zone 9b. Spring.
1 favorite vote.  
Photos photo courtesy of billy teabag
"Bird Children White" Autumn 2015, HRIA Repository, Renmark, South Australia.
1 favorite vote.  
Photos photo courtesy of cree
1 favorite vote.  
Photos photo courtesy of Margaret Furness
South Australia, zone 9, early autumn. Potted plant.
1 favorite vote.  
Photos photo courtesy of cree
1 favorite vote.  
Photos photo courtesy of Margaret Furness
Renmark, early autumn.
1 favorite vote.  
Photos photo courtesy of bonbon
taken on 8 th February, 2017 in Highfields, Queensland
1 favorite vote.  
Photos photo courtesy of cree
1 year old bush.
1 favorite vote.  
Photos photo courtesy of billy teabag
"Bishops Lodge Linton Boy", Perth, Western Australia, Summer.
1 favorite vote.  
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