HelpMeFind Roses, Clematis and Peonies
Roses, Clematis and Peonies
and everything gardening related.
'Firefighter ®' rose photo
Photo courtesy of Ben_in_Melbourne
Hi Everyone!

Just a little bit of info about me, I've only started growing roses in Melbourne (Australia) over the last 3 years with my first purchase being a Firefighter rose and yes it has got me hooked ever since! I use this website a lot for whenever I get tempted to buy a new rose to add to my potted rose collection (renting so only have limited room!) and thought it was time I contributed what little information I have as a beginner to those who may also be in the same boat! (I have killed roses from kindness so I have definately learnt some things along the way!)

Cheers! Ben
Experienced (14 years)
Last visit: More than a year ago

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