Blooms are purplish with high potassium fertilizer. The scent is better than Madame Isaac Perrier. It needs lots of rain water to bloom. Blooms last long in the vase but the plant (grafted on Dr.Huey) doesn't have enough vigor thus very few blooms for a tiny plant (less than 1 foot).
Second year own root royal jubilee has an amazing old rose and fruity scent .. scent wafts even in hot & dry at 90 F. Very fast repeat and healthy leaves. Many blooms to make it a highly scented landscape rose. A must for any fragrant garden.
Young Lycidas (grafted on Dr.Huey) didn't survive my zone 5 winter and is wimpy for other cold-zoners. The bush is very small and the stem is too thin to support the many petals blooms so I had to support it with a peony cage. Leaves are crinkled like Sharifa Asma (another tiny rose as own root).
Second year own root Sweet Juliet has an amazing lemon and rose scent and always healthy leaves. Rabbits like to eat its leaves so I had to plant it next to daffodils to keep rabbits away (daffodils leaves are poisonous).
I took below pic. of Tamora at nearby rose park, zone 5. There's zero scent when I sniffed it. Blooms were vey faded, and I came back in late fall (rainy) and it broke out in blackspots. Bush is short & compact.
Sandy Hook is VERY thornless at 1.5' x 1.5' as 11th-year own root in my zone 5. It's drought tolerant and require the least water among my 160 own root roses. The scent is more fruity with my alkaline tap water at pH 9, ranges from grape juice to delicious red wine. With acidic rain at pH 4.5 the scent is more old rose with a touch of fruitiness. This rose makes great cut flowers since the bush is thornless and blooms last 4 days in the vase if cut from buds. Bush is much healthier if watered with my alkaline tap water.
Reddish Sandy Hook rose picked in hot and dry July near 90 F... maintains its firm petals in full sun. Sandy Hook is intensely fragrant and thornless .. perfect to cut for the vase. Yellow is Well Being. Uppermost apricot is Queen Nefertiti. Left pink is Princess Charlene de Monaco. Right pink buds are Evelyn.
Sandy Hook is a constant bloomer as 11th-year own root with powerful old rose and red wine scent. I enjoy this rose MORE than my red Austin own-roots such as Munstead Wood, the Dark Lady, the Squire, William Shakespeare 2000, Tess of d'Ubervilles. It's small and compact at 1.5' x 1.5' plus thornless plus drought and heat tolerant (pic. taken in full sun & over 90 F heat). Rabbits eat Munstead Wood instead of thornless Sandy Hook (leaves are more bitter). This rose is best for hot & dry but can be healthy if doused with sulfate of potash in high rain weeks. It roots easily in closed plastic humid bin like Evelyn .. both have vigorous roots for my rock-hard clay.