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8 JUN 22
From Heirloom roses:
La Reine 3', Yolande d'Aragon 5', Reine Victoria 6', and Louise Odier 5'.
From HMF: Reine Victoria is susceptible to blackspot and refers to it as an octopus. Yolande d'Aragon has long arching canes, with vegetative centers sometimes, and blackspot.
Louise Odier does not repeat well.
From Houzz posters: The globular form of Reine Victoria and Louise Odier is unmistakable. The foliage is not like La Reine's. It is quite a bit shinier. REINE VICTORIA (Bourbon, 1872) was very prone to black spot in my garden and was eventually shovel pruned. I also wasn't thrilled with the small flower size and lack of remontancy (rebloom).
From Krista NY zone 5a: The Bourbons seem to repeat a little better than the Hybrid Perpetuals. They can throw beautiful blooms in the autumn.
18 APR 22
Tupelo Honey & Sunny Sky look better than Teasing Geogia.
Should buy the Poet's Wife (many people raved about its scent) and LEH and Heritage (for the scent).
Also buy-list: Princess Alexandra of Kent (can take shade better than Boscobel), plus Bathsheba.
4 JUN 21
Shade tolerant roses posted by Mike in Dave's Garden forum as repeatbloomer Peekskill, NY(Zone 6b)

Alba (6): Celeste, Felicite Parmentier, Maxima, Mme Plantier, Morning Blush, Suaveolens

Bourbon (11): Barbara Worl, Bourbon Queen, Champion of the World, Charles Lawson, Hermosa, Honorine de Brabant, Louise Odier, Mme Isaac Pereire, Souvenir de la Malmaison, Souvenir de St. Anne’s

Centifolia (6): Alain Blanchard, Bullata, Duc de Fitzjames, Duchesse d’Angouleme, Fantin-Latour, York and Lancaster

China (11): Cardinal de Richelieu, Comtesse de Lacepede, Duchese de Montebello, Green Rose, Hermosa, Irene Watts, Louis XIV, Mateo’s Silk Butterflies, Mme Laurette Messimy, Old Blush, Sophie’s Perpetual

Climber (11): Altissimo, Blaze, Coral Dawn, Floire de Dijon, Fourth of July, Fred Loads Mermaid, Kiftsgate, Mlle Cecile Brunner, New Dawn, Sombreuil, Zephirine Drouhin

Damask (5): Celsiana, La Ville de Bruxelles, Madame Hardy, President Dutailly, Rose d’Hivers

English Rose (11): Abraham Darby, Ambridge, Charles Rennie Mackintosh, Chianti, English Garden, Glamis Castle, Golden Celbration, Heritage Sharifa, Swan, The Alexander Rose, The Prince

Floribunda (16): Amber Queen, Angel Face, Betty Boop, Betty Prior, Blueberry Hill, Dolly, Gruss an Aachen, Ivory Fashion, Joseph’s Coat, Flower Carpet, Fred Loads, Livin’ Easy, Marmalade Skies, Playboy, Playgirl, Sweet Vivian

Gallica Rose (86): Apothecary’s Rose, Rosa Mundi, Tuscany, Jenny Duval & most other Gallicas.

Hybrid Musk (21): Ballerina, Buff Beauty, Cornelia, Danae, Darlow’s Enigma, Erfurt, Eva, Felicia, Francesca, Francis E. Lester, Kathleen, Lavender Lassie, Moonlight, Mozart, Nymphenburg, Pax, Pink Prosperity, Prosperity, Ravel, Robin Hood, Sally Holmes, Thisbe Vanity

Hybrid Perpetual (2): Rerine des Violette, Souvenir du Dr. Jamain
Hybrid Rugosa (2): Blanc Double de Coubert, Therese Bugnet
Hybrid Tea (2): Kordes’ Perfecta, Reveil Dijonnais (also a modern climber)
Miniature (1): Green Ice Moss (2): Alfred de Dalmas, Shailer’s White Moss

Noisette (6): Blush Noisette, Juane Desprez, Madame Alfred Carriere, Marechal Niel, Narrow Water, Natchitoches Noisette. Other Old Garden / Antique (2): Eugene de Beauharnais, Reine des Violettes

Polyantha (4): The Fairy, Marjoire Fair, Pinkie, Seven Sisters. Portland (1): Rose de Rescht
Rambler (1): Alberic Barbier. Rugosa (1): Japanese Rose

Shrub (10): Abbotswood, Banshee, Basye’s Purple Rose, Carefree Beauty, Carefree Delight, Carefree Wonder, Flutterbye, Dortmund, Fritz Nobis, Knockout

Species (12): Alika, Anemone, Arthur Hillier, Eglantine, Headleyensis, Mme de Sancy de Parabere, Pumila, Red-leaved Rose, Red Wing, Rosa Mundi, Ramona, William III. Tea (1): Duchesse de Brabant

***** Below was posted by Elizabeth's garden in HMF:
Angel Face is shade tolerant. Also Chrysler Imperial, Blue Moon, Blue Girl, Swarthmore, Garden Party, and Bourbons.

***** Other shade-tolerant (morning sun only) mentioned by HMF members: Playboy, Pink Peace, Lavender Dream, Rosa moschata, climbing E. de Holland for north-wall, "I have a Zepherine Drouhin that is growing GREAT in a spot with only four hours of sun per day", Lemon Spice, Honey Bouquet, Pat Austin, Sutter's Gold, Flowergirl, Long John Silver, Francis Meilland, Souvenir du Docteur Jamain, climber Mme Alfred Carrière, 'Shailer's Provence', and climbers New Dawn and Aloha.

NOTES: prosperity does not like shade. Danae takes dry shade well. Abraham Darby, Pink Peace, Madam Plantier, First Crush, Aloha for partial shade. Buck roses Prairie Sunrise, Honeysweet, Prairie Harvest also bloom well in partial shade.
Remind myself to buy SHADE-TOLERANT ROSES: Apothecary's rose, Zeph. Drouhin, Yolanda d'Aragon, Renae, Cornelia, thornless Columbia climber & second Perle d' Or & second La Reine. Also wafting scents & shade-tolerance: Penelope, Margarett Merrell, Felicia, and Cornelia. Souvenir du Docteur Jamain .

**** 'Soleil d'Or' for hardiness & liking alkaline soil & dry location. Also 2nd Marie Daly.

FOR PARTIAL SHADE: Felicia & Apothecary's rose (roots easily). Queen of Denmark for shade & rabbits don't eat. First crush, Aloha, Zepherine Drouhin, Abraham Darby (2 hrs. in Florida), Marie Pavie, Sharifa Asma, Cecile Brunner, Cornelia, Easy does it, Gruss an A, Twilight Zone, Clytemnestra, Carefree Beauty, Cinco de Mayo.

FOR VERY SHADY: Apothecary's rose, Celeste & Cornelia (2 to 3 hours of sun), Chuckles takes shade better than Iceberg, Danae.
By Kit Flynn: "Along with ‘Old Blush’ and Lady Banks, seek out the always-reliable ‘Cécile Brünner’ in both the climbing and shrub forms, Rosa chinensis ‘Mutabilis’, and ‘Marie Pavie’. A Bermuda rose, ‘Spice’ has done well in my garden where it only receives two hours of good sunlight. A rose to seek out, but one that can be hard to find, is R. moschata nastarana, The Persian Rose, which the late J.C. Raulston declared was the most disease-free rose at the JC Raulston Arboretum."

A friend sent me this list of shade-tolerant roses, compiled from various nurseries: Jude the Obscure Claire Matin, Aloha, Renae, Abraham Darby, Strawberry Hill, Evelyn, Aptos, Quietness, Westerland, Dortmund, Cornelia, Sally Holmes, Gruss an Aachen, James Galway, Madame Hardy, Ballerina, Felicite Parmentier, New Dawn, Paul’s Himalayan, Lady Bank’s, The Fairy, Therese Bugnet, Roseraie de l’Hay, Scabrosa, Eden, Stanwell Perpetual, Dainty Bess, Veilchenblau, Ghislaine de Feligonde, Apple Blossom, Darlow’s Enigma, Angel Face.

The below list of shady roses was composed by repeatbloomer Peekskill, NY(Zone 6b)
The ones that I have planted have all done quite well, including the hybrid musk Bouquet Parfait, the floribundas Betty Boop, Marmalade Skies, Blueberry Hill, Amber Queen, Playboy, and the English Rose known as English Garden. My New Dawn and White Dawn climbers have also done very well.

Kent Krugh has also had success planting roses in a woodland garden setting, and has posted a nice list of reportedly shade-tolerant roses at
6 SEP 20
Lavenderlace in sandy soil (some clay) hot Texas gave below info:
"My Kordes on own roots: Savannah- miserable for me in clay, fantastic in sandy soil, shiny clean leaves, lots of growth and blooms, nice scent, does fine in shade. Plant has a bit of an artificial look for me, leaves look like they've been poured in oil, blooms are incredibly bright.

First Crush- Can really take a lot of shade! Bloomed even in full shade same as sun. Much deeper prettier pink than the official photos for me and strong scent that I hope will change as it's unfortunately not my favorite.

Earth Angel- already taller than she's supposed to be but haven't seen blooms yet with an October planting. Very sensitive to too much water as bottom leaves often turn yellow after a rain even in fast draining soil.

Summer Romance- bush looks great with hot summer planting but still no blooms yet. Maybe more of a cool weather rose? Heard lots of hot climate complaints about lack of blooms.

Beverly- gets raves in my hot area but hasn't been impressive for me, maybe a slow starter? Staying small, few scentless blooms at this point. Looking forward to what others are seeing from this one!" Lavenderlace.
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