Purchased three bareroots from Angel Gardens, Mar 2012.
Update Oct 2012- Growth has been rather slow, but they've bloomed consistently. I haven't bent over far enough to sniff the flowers yet. Color does fade, but I forgive that- this IS Texas after all. B/S tend to affect one of the three, but not a huge problem.
April 2013- A few blooms here and there, but the bushes haven't grown an inch in over a year. Slow starters?
Sept 2013- Potted due to impending move. One of the three LEH had expired, the other two are doing well.
Mar 2014- Another LEH bit the dust after winter; one left and I'm not too sure about it either.
July 2014- Rebounding and blooming a bit, though painfully small. My little survivor is MAYBE 12 inches in all directions and looks like a round ball. Burned foliage. Not heat tolerant (95+) AT ALL.
Oct 2014- Dug LEH up to relocate to a shadier spot and saw canker all the way onto the bud union. It was still very small, with only one main cane, and an inferior root system. I don't know if it could have been saved or not, but I tossed it with a heavy heart. I wanted this one to work.
Notes- I would say that this rose is one who needs afternoon shade in a high heat environment. I had/have none, and this rose simply can't handle full sun in Texas, zone 9a (houston).