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The Garden (15 Jun 1889)  Page(s) 567.  
Societies and Exhibitions.
Royal Horticultural Society. June 11.
Messrs. Kelway & Son, of Langport, received a silver-gilt medal for a magnificent display of Pæonies, Pyrethrums, and other flowers in season [...] Amongst the Pæonies were such beautiful kinds as Aglaia, a rich crimson single type; Mercury, rose; Florentine, pink; and Calliphon, rose; all single varieties, and when well exhibited these are exceptionally handsome.

The Gardening World Illustrated (21 Jun 1890)  Page(s) 667.  
Varieties of Pæonia albiflora.
Emily Kelway.—This is a single variety, with deep red petals somewhat toothed at the apex, and yellow stamens. The three last named were shown by Messrs. Kelway & Son, Langport, at the June exhibition of the Royal Botanic Society on the 11th, and were awarded Floricultural Certificates.

The Gardening World Illustrated (21 Jun 1890)  Page(s) 667.  
Varieties of Pæonia albiflora.
Duke of Clarence.—The flowers of this variety are of great size, and fully double, forming a globular mass of pink, with broad white margins to the petals, nearly resembling the colour of the Rose La France.
[...] The three last named were shown by Messrs. Kelway & Son, Langport, at the June exhibition of the Royal Botanic Society on the 11th, and were awarded Floricultural Certificates.

The Gardening World Illustrated (21 Jun 1890)  Page(s) 667.  
Varieties of Pæonia albiflora.
Duchess of Fife.—The flowers of this variety are single and of good size. The broad petals are rose coloured and numerous, surrounding a central mass of yellow stamens.
[...] The three last named were shown by Messrs. Kelway & Son, Langport, at the June exhibition of the Royal Botanic Society on the 11th, and were awarded Floricultural Certificates.

The Gardening World Illustrated (21 Jun 1890)  Page(s) 667.  
Varieties of Pæonia albiflora.
Stanley.—This is a single variety, the flowers of which are globose, at least until fully expanded, and have broad, deep crimson-red petals, sometimes shaded with violet along the centre. All four received Awards of Merit at the Drill Hall on the 10th inst., and were shown by Messrs. Kelway & Son, Langport.

The Gardening World Illustrated (21 Jun 1890)  Page(s) 667.  
Varieties of Pæonia albiflora.
Duchess of Teck.—The great size of the flowers of this Pæony are very noticeable. The outer petals are broad, dentate, and of a deep pink. All the rest of the flower is made up of a mixture of smaller pink and white petals cut and crisped at the margin.
[...] All four received Awards of Merit at the Drill Hall on the 10th inst., and were shown by Messrs. Kelway & Son, Langport.

The Gardening World Illustrated (21 Jun 1890)  Page(s) 667.  
Varieties of Pæonia albiflora.
Princess Mary.—The outer petals of this double form are broad and white, while the inner ones are very numerous, much undulated, and crisped.
[...] All four received Awards of Merit at the Drill Hall on the 10th inst., and were shown by Messrs. Kelway & Son, Langport.

The Gardening World Illustrated (21 Jun 1890)  Page(s) 667.  
Varieties of Pæonia albiflora.
Sainfoin.—The flowers of this garden form are double, large, full, and of a uniform deep rose.
[...] All four received Awards of Merit at the Drill Hall on the 10th inst., and were shown by Messrs. Kelway & Son, Langport.

Peonies for Every Purpose, American Rose and Plant Co., Springfield, Ohio (1924)  Page(s) 22.  
Single Peonies
Rosy Dawn (Barr)—Vigorous, branching habit; foliage quite large and fine dark green. Large snow white flower, tinged blush pink, resembling a great white water lily. Early. Each $1.50

Kelway & Son's Wholesale Catalogue of Plants...Langport, Somerset (1933)  Page(s) 6.  
Kelway's Gold Medal Pæonies.
Kelway's Single Flowered Ponies.
June-flowering. All raised by Kelway unless stated otherwise.
Rosy Dawn. Creamy blush white; large, free-flowering; early....1/6
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