Recent website additions and changes to HelpMeFind
Photo upload software enhancement to provide for rotation of incorrectly oriented photos.
Website system software upgrades.
Website members can now reassign their photos. A photo which has been upload to the wrong listing can be moved to the correct one. For example, if you upload a rose photo to the wrong rose listing, you can move (reassign) it to the correct one or maybe you uploaded a rose photo to your garden listing instead of the proper rose listing.
Programming correction to plant look up.
Major update and upgrade to all the components that make up HelpMeFind as well as several security enhancements. Website changes soon to follow.
We've added a new DONATIONS page to thank the individuals and organizations that have so graciously donated to HelpMeFind in memory of Jim Delahanty. HelpMeFind and the rose community have lost a dear friend.
Most of all, our thanks to Jim's family for including us in the list of organizations Jim valued - We are deeply honored.
More to follow about Jim. Contact us if you would like to include your thoughts and memories about him.
Your member page has been redesigned to make it easier to use HelpMeFind. Also, member pages for other site guests have been redesigned to link their various activities and listings.
Several new changes. Larger thumbnail photos. Removal of inactive members and outdated plant cutting exchange entries. And more...
Several people on Garden Web commented on HelpMeFind's advanced search asking if it would be possible to allow for multiple selections on search criteria like "Bloom Cycle". We've made the changes suggested.
We installed improvements to the plant show reporting with more on the way.