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Kelway & Son's Wholesale Catalogue of Plants...Langport, Somerset
(1933) Page(s) 6. Kelway's Gold Medal Pæonies. Kelway's Single Flowered Ponies. June-flowering. All raised by Kelway unless stated otherwise. Sea Shell. Blush white, most attractive, free-flowering, upright habit. Early....3/6
A Peony Check-List
(1907) Page(s) 197. 2273. SEA SHELL; P. (1) 1906, Kelway's Cat.. p. 107.
Gumm's Peony Gardens
(1923) Page(s) 34. Single Peonies Silver Cup (Kelway)—Very large; exceedingly beautiful; pure white.
1939 Peony Catalogue; Bonnewitz Peony Gardens, Van Wert, Ohio
(1939) Page(s) 28. Single Varieties Sea Shell (Sass)...$1.00 The blooms of this newest Sass seedling are immense in size. The petals are an iridescent shell-pink with a rich satiny texture and the centers of the flowers are full of shining golden-yellow stamens. We believe this is the first time that this variety has appeared in an Eastern grower's catalogue. (Introducer's description.)
Kelway & Son's Wholesale Catalogue of Plants...Langport, Somerset
(1933) Page(s) 6. Kelway's Gold Medal Pæonies. Kelway's Single Flowered Ponies. June-flowering. All raised by Kelway unless stated otherwise. Silver Cup. Exceedingly fine pure white. Like a huge water lily....7/6
Kelway's Pæonies, Langport, Somerset
(1927) Page(s) 11. Kelway's Lovely Single-Flowered Pæonies Sir Edward Elgar, maroon or chocolate-crimson, a distinct shade. 7/6 each.
Kelway & Son's Wholesale Catalogue of Plants...Langport, Somerset
(1904) Page(s) 19. Kelway's Lovely New Single-Flowered Pæonies of 1900 and 1902. Sir Aga Khan, deep rose.
Kelway's Pæonies, Langport, Somerset
(1927) Page(s) 11. Kelway's Lovely Single-Flowered Pæonies Sir Aga Khan, deep rose. 3/6 each.
Kelway's Pæonies, Langport, Somerset
(1927) Page(s) 11. Kelway's Lovely Single-Flowered Pæonies Somerton, beautiful cerise-pink; large and free flowering. 5/- each.
Kelway's Pæonies, Langport, Somerset
(1927) Page(s) 11. Kelway's Lovely Single-Flowered Pæonies Sir Galahad, very large flower of a most exquisite ivory tint, deepening to a flesh colour; quite indispensable; very early flowering. 10/6 each.