HelpMeFind Roses, Clematis and Peonies
Roses, Clematis and Peonies
and everything gardening related.
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Recent website additions and changes to HelpMeFind
May 22
After a long hiatus we have a new Ezine issue.

Site guests are invited to contact us about submitting articles, or links to articles, be included in the HMF Ezine.
May 6
Plants with expired patents are now included in the Plant Cutting Exchange.
Apr 9
HelpMeFind now has videos ! You will find them in the Publications, Articles & Videos section.
Feb 21
HMF has finally introduced their new premium member program. It is very inexpensive to become a premium member - we hope MANY, MANY of you will support HelpMeFind in this way.
Jan 31
Site members can now add a photo of themselves.
Jan 20
Another new feature! Members can now build a "watch" list of plants they are interested in. Tell us what plants you are interested in following and we will let you know if anyone has added new photos, reviews, comments and garden or nursery listings for them since your last visit.
Jan 15
We have add a new "friends" feature. This is a list of HMF members you consider your friends. Use your friends list to keep up to date on their contributions to the site.
Dec 23
Once again we've not been very good about posting descriptions of the many improvements and changes we've made. Some are obvious so it's not terribly important but others can easily be overlooked.

One such case is the recent change for Societies. You will find a new "Plant List" tab and "Member" button on each Society page. The member button is to indicate you are a member of the displayed society and the Plant List tab shows the aggregate plant list of all the society's (HMF) members.

We thought it would be helpful to know what members of your local society are growing so you can share insight and experience about specific plants in the context of your local. Let us know what you think.
Oct 15
We have greatly improved the member "favorites" and member ratings sections; take a look.

Please also keep in mind HelpMeFind is all about the pooling of our collective experience. Please take the time to vote for your favorite plants, nurseries, garden, publications, etc. as well as rating those that you have direct experience with.
Aug 26
We've change the look of HMF to (hopefully) make it more intuitive. In addition, we added some new features. Most noteworthy is the new plant cuttings exchange. We also have a new private messaging system for HMF members to exchange messages between themselves.
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