Recent website additions and changes to HelpMeFind
Registered guests can now get driving directions for local events at the click of a button.
It is limited to HMF members because this feature is not possible without your address. You need not provide your complete address, a partial address to the town level works fine for generating directions. As always, your address, along with your other member information, is not shared with anyone and is for your site use convenience only.
We've improved the Events section. We added a Calendar display and we made it even easier to add your events, take a look. Feel free to post your society's / organization's events.
Judging by this site change list, one would think nothing new is happening on HMF but the actually the opposite true, we've just been too busy to post our many improvements. We need to do a better job of this.
Several of you had pointed out a problem our plant lineage descendant reports. Well..., you were right and after some deep digging we found and corrected the problem. We also made several improvements including making it MUCH faster.
Added the chromosome counts for the roses listed in "Chromosome Numbers In Rose Varieties," from Progress Report, 1949-53, Horticulture Division, Central Experimental Farm - Ottawa (1953).
This month's Ezine is devoted to the late Mel Hulse.
The November Ezine is here. Let us know how you like it.
We've brought back the "Favorites" list. You can flag your all your HMF favorites to share with other the HMF guests.
We've enhanced HelpMeFind to allow you to (optionally) share information about yourself with your fellow site guests. Visit your member registration - click the "MY HMF" menu option - to add:
- Your level of gardening experience
- Number of years gardening
- Your gardening expertise and interests
- A brief biography of yourself
- Your garden zone
- A description of your garden - size, plants, soil, etc.
All of this new information is optional; include as much or as little as you want to share with the other site guests. This allows people to put your photos and your comments in perspective and context. Have you found a really great photo or maybe a Q&A post and wanted to see other contributions from the same site guest, well now you can. Click on their name to visit their member profile page. As always with HelpMeFind, only information you want to share is available to others. Only your HMF id and country & region are always shared with others. Your privacy is important to us.
All roses bred in Germany, Austria-Hungary and Switzerland listed in the Rosenlexikon of August Jäger (1936) are now included HMF.
The September is online today. Let us know what you think !