"Nouveau Monde - in commerce as" rose Photos
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Photo taken May 28, 2018. Both blooms and foliage each have their own fragrances.
Uploaded 28 MAY 18 |
Photo taken May 18, 2018.
Uploaded 28 MAY 18 |
Photo taken May 28, 2018. Top of deck railing is over six feet (about 2 meters) from ground level.
Uploaded 28 MAY 18 |
Photo taken May 22, 2018 -- first blooms of the year opening, including a few up in the tree near the top.
Uploaded 28 MAY 18 |
Photo taken May 28, 2018. "Nouveau Monde -- in commerce as" is swallowing the deck railing, with 'Reine des Violettes' taking a smaller bite by the stairs.
Uploaded 28 MAY 18 |
Photo taken May 18, 2018. This rose is climbing the center of the raised deck railing, and spilling over the top.
Uploaded 28 MAY 18 |
Photo taken May 18, 2018.
Uploaded 28 MAY 18 |
Photo taken May 18, 2018.
Uploaded 28 MAY 18 |
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