"Nouveau Monde - in commerce as" rose References
Book (2020) Page(s) 151. Erroneously named and unidentified rose varieties at the Europa-Rosarium. Gallica... 'Nouveau Monde' (Descemet, before 1811)
Book (2006) Page(s) 32. Hybrid Chinas. Nouveau Monde HCh. No rebloom. Outstanding fragrance. Habit 3 [e.g. Mme. Plantier. A group similar to the second, also more slender-canes, suckering more broadly, arching and growing wider than tall.] Unknown, pre- 1990. [Provenance Barbara Worl; l'Hay]. Medium pink flowers with perfect flat form and a large button eye in profusion on a large arching shrub. Remarkable in full bloom, with a prolonged season.
Magazine (1998) Page(s) 25. Nov 16.. Francois Joyaux. The First Gallicas Raised in France 1804-1815. ....the current specimens in the various public collections we have examined do not correspond to the contemporary descriptions. Also it is not at all certain that these varieties are still in cultivation. It is the case with 'Cynthie' at Sangerhausen and 'd'Euphrosine' (l'Elegante), Nouveau monde, 'Passevelours' and 'Roi des pourpres' at L'Hay-Les Roses.