*** Growing near Houston, TX: sub tropical zone 9a. Mild winters, hot, extremely humid summers that last half the year. No spray garden. ***
Purchased from Rio Bay Roses July 2013.
1/2014- not vigorous at all so far, and has only made two flowers. If this one croaks, I won't replace it.
5/24/2014 - Planted in new garden.
10/7/2014- Tall and skinny, has finally started blooming. I think it has weaseled its way into my good graces.
11/20/2015- doing okay. Prone to blackspot
7/6/2016- Plant has been totally swallowed by an over enthusiastic passion flower. I need to rescue it!
5/24/2019- This has been a pretty good rose for me overall. I have mine planted in a little too much shade, and yet it still produces flowers. I definitely wouldn't call the blooms show worthy, or necessarily good for cutting, but I like them. I don't give this plant any care- no extra water and I pretty much only throw fertilizer at it in the early spring. 4ft h x 2ft w. Not bushy at all.