"Bunya Mountains Noisette" rose Photos
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South Australia, zone 9b.
Uploaded 30 MAR 22 |
Early-mid spring, South Australia, zone 9b.
Uploaded 10 OCT 18 |
South Australia, zone 9b, autumn, 5-6 weeks after an unseasonal summer downpour.
Uploaded 11 MAR 20 |
South Australia, zone 9b, mid-spring. Next to Marie Nabonnand.
Uploaded 23 OCT 17 |
Summer, South Australia, zone 9b.
Uploaded 25 DEC 18 |
At the start of the spring flowering, it is producing fairly large flowers (10cm) singly, rather than its usual cluster of smaller ones. South Australia, zone 9b.
Uploaded 5 OCT 17 |
Early-mid spring, South Australia, zone 9b. Some blooms are produced singly, often on fairly short side-stems, and are larger than those in clusters.
Some flowers have a red flash on the outside of the guard petals.
Uploaded 10 OCT 18 |
Midwinter, zone 9b, South Australia.
Uploaded 23 JUL 17 |
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