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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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most recent 27 APR HIDE POSTS
Initial post 27 APR by Bonita
My plant which is 12 months old is forever in flower. It is growing in a 500mm pot in premium potting mix. The pot required 50 litres of potting mix to fill it. Chopped lucerne mulch was added.

We have had an unusually rainy and humid summer here in Toowoomba's mild temperate climate. Black Spot has been very severe. In fact in 22 years of rose growing here I have never seen
so much black spot. 'Lady of Australia' has suffered terribly from black spot but has kept flowering.
most recent 16 NOV HIDE POSTS
Initial post 15 NOV by Bonita
Just wondering where in Australia you are growing Ali Baba. I am in Toowoomba and was thinking of growing it on a fencing panel at the end iof my potting shed. Thanks Bonita
Reply #1 of 4 posted 15 NOV by Nastarana
Beautiful rose. The ruffled flower shape looks a bit like 'Polka'.
Reply #3 of 4 posted 15 NOV by felicite
Hi Nastarana
Thank you and yes, you're right, the flowers are very ruffled, like Polka, but the blooms are not as big as Polka and have less petals. They compensate for this with the abundance of blooms.
Reply #2 of 4 posted 15 NOV by felicite
Hi Bonita
I grow Ali Baba in the Southern Tablelands of NSW, so, very cold winters and warm, but not too hot summers, with little to no humidity. It is in a position sheltered from the hot afternoon sun, and the worst of the winds. I think it would go well next to your potting shed. This rose does make a statement! :-)
Reply #4 of 4 posted 16 NOV by Bonita
Thanks very much. I will have to wait fir it next season now. I might grow a Petrea with it to quickly cover the frame before the rose arrives.
most recent 25 APR 23 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 25 APR 23 by Bonita
Last Saturday I took blooms of 'Hector Deane' to our Good Day Out rose gathering where we have a 'Show and Tell'. People swooned over its perfume. Fifteen people requested I arrange budded plants from my bush. Looking around for a budder as our local expert has retired.
most recent 19 SEP 22 SHOW ALL
Initial post 2 JAN 19 by Ozoldroser
The Gardening Bulletin E & W Hackett Limited Adelaide South Australia
April 1, 1937 page 93
Rose Notes
Katherine Pechtold
Absolutely outstanding, and one of the best introductions of recent years. Pointed buds of old gold and bronzy orange, which develop to full, shapely blooms of a lovely coppery-orange flushed with rose-pink and golden yellow. Sweet clove pink fragrance. A decided acquisition, and such as must become a favourite.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 19 SEP 22 by Bonita
It is possibly a long shot. But does anyone grow it still in Australia?
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